
VIA FERRATA Cheile Turzii 18.05.2024

May 18, 2024 at 10:00 Cheile Turzii
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The via ferrata route from Cheile Turzii has a lvel difference of approximately 200 meters and is made up of two sections. The first cable section with a length of approximately 100 meters is separated from the second cable section by a gravel path that must be crossed. The second section is approximately 400 meters long and coincides with the alpine route through Hilli's Grotto. Difficulty: 2/5 - easy Duration: 2 hours Distance from the car to the trail entrance: 1.5 kilometers (~ 30 minutes) Pictures from our past events: https://www.facebook.com/adventure.center.cluj/photos/pcb.1118887681584551/1118886121584707/?type=3&theater Necessary equipment: clothes and shoes suitable for the season: light mountain boots (trekkers), long mountain pants, t-shirt, fleece, rain and wind coat, leather gloves (bicycle gloves are also good), water, sandwiches and sweets for a day, backpack 10 - 20l. The technical equipment is provided by AdventureCenter; Price: 1,500 lei The price includes: - the specialized guide. - the technical equipment - photo & video Other details and information at 0730 944362 - Aurelia office@adventurecenter.ro