
Captive Escape Room - Langdon's Challenge

28 Oct 2015 - 31 Dec 2016 str. Serg. Nastase Pamfil, nr. 38, sector 2, Bucuresti
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Pe patul de moarte, un mare mason de gradul 32 ii lanseaza o ultima provocare bunului sau prieten, profesorul Robert Langdon. Inca de pe bancile facultatii, Langdon a fost fascinat de povestile si lectiile de viata ale prietenului sau mai varstnic. Intotdeauna, insa, a trebuit sa faca dovada faptului ca merita onoarea de a le afla. La fel stau lucrurile si de aceasta data, cand masonul ii dezvaluie ca in biroul sau se afla ascuns un ultim secret. Ia-ti prietenii si incearca sa dezlegi misterul!

On his deathbed, a grand Mason of 32nd rank launches the ultimate challenge to his good friend, Professor Robert Langdon. While still in college, Langdon was fascinated by the stories and life lessons of his elder friend. However, he always had to prove that he is worthy to learn them. Things are not different this time, and the Mason reveals that in his office is hidden one last secret. Get your friends and try to unravel the mystery!