
MASTERING THE MUSIC BUSINESS Conference & Showcase Festival

17 - 19 Mar 2020 Bd Barbu Vacarescu 164A
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Cea mai importanta conferinta organizata in Romania pe teme de industrie muzicala ajunge la cea de-a cincea editie intre 17 si 19 martie 2020 la Hotel CARO din Bucuresti. Mastering The Music Business se adreseaza in primul rand artistilor si label-urilor independente, dar si echipelor artistilor: manageri, agenti de booking, agenti de PR, tour manageri etc, insa toti profesionistii din industria muzicala sunt invitati la conferinta.

The leading Romanian music business conference reaches its fifth edition and will be held between March 17 - 19, 2020 at CARO Hotel in Bucharest. Mastering The Music Business is mainly aimed at independent labels and artists as well as their teams: managers, booking agents, PR, tour managers etc but all music business professionals are welcomed to the conference.