
Design Sprint intensive workshop

16 - 18 Mar 2020 Mindspace Pipera
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We strongly believe that the best way to learn is by doing so the three days will be spent on hands-on work on a real problem of a real startup.
Who should participate?
Entrepreneurs, UX designers, Sprint Facilitators beginners and advanced and anyone who is interested in Design Sprints as an innovation tool.
With this workshop you:
- Get training in Design Sprint methodology
- Get facilitator tips & tricks for both startups and corporate 
- Get the experience of a real Design Sprint
- Help a startup solve a critical business problem
You will practice the following exercises:
Create a map
Expert interviews (HMW notes)
Solution sketch
Divide or swarm
Lightning demos
Customer interviews
About the trainer
Mester Catalin professional design sprint facilitator and evangelist with tens of sprints facilitated for both Corporations and Start-ups.
Innovation designer for Stefanini
Founder I Love Failure
Founder Begin Again - An innovation company
Mentor at Fouder Institute
Founder Robots Factory - An RPA company
Workshop feedback
Great workshop in an awesome location! A very practical, hands-on approach to validating an idea in a very short period of time.
Alexandra Preda - UI/UX Designer
"Pot să spun că am avut îndoielile mele la început, am mai fost la o prezentare despre design sprint și știam în mare despre ce este vorba. Până la urmă, după ce am trecut prin toate etapele timp de trei zile, mi-am dat seama că am ajuns la un rezultat concret, confirmat de membrii din publicul țintă. Într-adevăr nu-ți garantează că proiectul va fi de succes, dar îți sporește considerabil șansele de reușită sau te face să-ți dai seama că nu este viabilă ideea și astfel nu investești resurse ca ulterior să ajungi la aceeași concluzie.
Una peste alta a fost o experiență interesantă și benefică unui proiect în stadiu incipient."
Alexandru Spasenie - Android Developer
What I really enjoyed, is to see at the same time so many solutions to real problems. Having different experts from different fields is a definitely must-have.
Dan Marin - Entrepreneur & Backend Developer
Super workshop-ul! A fost interactiv si am invatat multe lucruri interesante. ;) Il recomand cu drag!
Simona Rotaru - Entrapreneur & Business Analyst
Catalin facilitated a workshop where we managed to identify severe pain points in an existing process and design a much better one. He was driving us through a simple yet structured approach, with a very open, warm, calm and inclusive attitude, giving us a large amount of space for creativity and analysis which made it possible for all to think differently and come up with new perspectives. I fully recommend Catalin to all who want to innovate.
Adina Murariu - Operations Director NN Romania